- Coverage of Saima Malik-Moraleda's work on bilingual word processing in Tsimane'-Spanish bilinguals
- Coverage of Eric Martinez’s Cognition paper "Poor writing, not specialized concepts, drives processing difficulty in legal language,” which won the IgNobel prize in literature
- Coverage of Ben Pitt’s Psychological Science paper "Exact number concepts are limited to the verbal count range”
- News coverage of our PNAS article “Color naming across languages reflects color use”
- Aeon article about 2017 Psychological Science article, “The unexpected benefits of getting lost in translation”
- Ted Gibson’s talk “How Efficiency Shapes Human Language” at TEDxHarvardCollege [youtube]
- Richard Futrell’s talk “Can you understand me now? Human languages as efficient communcation systems” at CafeSci Boston [youtube]
- Ted Gibson’s interview with HuffPost on Dependency Length Minimization [HuffPost]