Ryskin, R., Gibson, E., & Kiran, S. (2025). Noisy-channel language comprehension in aphasia: A Bayesian mixture-modeling approach. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review,
Winckel, E., Abeillé, A., Hemforth, B., & Gibson, E. (2024). Discourse-based constraints on long-distance dependencies generalize across constructions in English and French. Cognition, 254, 105950. twitter thread
Gibson, E., & Poliak, M. (Eds.). (2024). From fieldwork to linguistic theory: A tribute to Dan Everett. Language Science Press.
Gibson, E. (2024). Composition, not infinity: The irrelevance of recursion to theories of language. In Gibson, E. & Poliak, M. From fieldwork to linguistic theory: A tribute to Dan Everett. Language Science Press.
Martinez, E., Mollica, F., & Gibson, E. (2024). Even Laypeople Use Legalese. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121 (35) e2405564121
Fedorenko, E., Piantadosi, S. T., & Gibson, E. A. (2024). Language is primarily a tool for communication rather than thought. Nature, 630(8017), 575-586. twitter thread
Martínez, E., Mollica, F., & Gibson, E. (2024). So much for plain language: An analysis of the accessibility of US federal laws over time. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 153(5).
Zhan, M., Chen, S.,Levy, R., Lu, J., & Gibson, E. (2023) Rational Sentence Interpretation in Mandarin Chinese. Cognitive Science. twitter thread
Ricciardi, G., Ryskin, R., & Gibson, E. (2023). Assessing the inferential strength of epistemic must. Language. twitter thread
Malik-Moraleda, S., Mahowald, K., Conway, B & Gibson, E. (2023). Concepts are restructured during language contact: The birth of blue and other color concepts in Tsimane’-Spanish bilinguals. Psychological Science, . twitter thread
Conway, B. R., Malik-Moraleda, S., & Gibson, E. (2023). Color appearance and the end of Hering’s Opponent-Colors Theory. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. twitter thread
Chen, S., Nathaniel, S., Ryskin, R. & Gibson, E. (2023). The effect of context on noisy-channel sentence comprehension. Cognition, 238, 105503. twitter thread
Ryskin, R., Salinas, M., Piantadosi, S., & Gibson, E. (2023). Real-time inference in communication across cultures: Evidence from a nonindustrialized society. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 152(5), 1245-1263. twitter thread
Poliak, M., Ryskin, R., Braginsky, M., & Gibson, E. (2023). It is not what you say but how you say it: Evidence from Russian shows robust effects of the structural prior on noisy channel inferences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. twitter thread
Martínez, E., Mollica, F., & Gibson, E. (2023). Even lawyers don’t like Legalese. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, e2302672120 twitter thread
Zhang, Z., Bergen, L., Paunov, A., Ryskin, R., & Gibson, E. (2023). Scalar Implicature is Sensitive to Contextual Alternatives. Cognitive Science, 47(2), e13238. twitter thread
Zhang, Y., Ryskin, R., & Gibson, E. (2023). A noisy-channel approach to depth-charge illusions. Cognition, 232, 105346. twitter thread
Bergen, L., Gibson, E., & O’Donnell, T.J. (2022). Simplicity and learning to distinguish arguments from modifiers. Journal of Language Modeling, 10, 241–286.
Pitt, B. Carstensen, A., Boni, I., Piantadosi,. S.T. & Gibson, E. (2022). Different reference frames on different axes: Space and language in indigenous Amazonians. Science Advances. 8, eabp9814. twitter thread
Jara-Ettinger, J., Levy, R., Sakel, J., Huanca, T., & Gibson, E. (2022). The origins of the shape bias: Evidence from the Tsimane’. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151(10), 2437–2447.
Fedorenko, E., Ryskin, R., & Gibson, E. (2022). Agrammatic output in non-fluent, including Broca’s, aphasia as a rational behavior. Apasiology, 0(0), 1–20. twitter thread
Shain, C., Blank, I., Fedorenko, E., Gibson, E., & Schuler, W. (2022). Robust effects of working memory demand during naturalistic language comprehension in language-selective cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. twitter thread
Hahn, M., Futrell, R., Levy, R. & Gibson, E. (2022). A resource-rational model of human processing of recursive linguistic structure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119 (43) e2122602119. twitter thread
Malik-Moraleda, S., Roca, M. & Gibson, E. (2022). Color naming in Tsimane’–Spanish bilinguals indicates that differential experience with content domains affects lexical access. Scientific Reports, 12, 17479. twitter thread
Rezaii, N., Mahowald, K., Ryskin, R., Dickerson, D. & Gibson, E. (2022). A syntax–lexicon trade-off in language production. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(25), e2120203119. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2120203119. twitter thread
Martínez, E., Mollica, F., & Gibson, E. (2022). Poor writing, not specialized concepts, drives processing difficulty in legal language. Cognition, 224, 105070. twitter thread
Pitt, B., Gibson, E. & Piantadosi, S. (2022). Exact number concepts are limited to the verbal count range. Psychological Science. twitter thread
Liu, Y., Winckel, E., Abeillé, E., Hemforth, B. & Gibson, E. (2022). Structural, Functional, and Processing Perspectives on Linguistic Island Effects. Annual Review of Linguistics, Volume 8. twitter thread
Liu, Y., Ryskin, R., Futrell, R. & Gibson, E. (2021). Structural Frequency Effects in Noisy-channel Comprehension. Paper presented at the University of Pennsylvania Linguistics conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Liu, Y., Ryskin, R., Futrell, R., & Gibson, E. (2021). A Verb-frame Frequency Account of Constraints on Long-Distance Dependencies in English. Cognition, 104902. DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104902. twitter thread
Pitt, B., Ferrigno S., Cantlon, J., Cassanto, D., Gibson, E., & Piantadosi, S. T. (2021). Spatial concepts of number, size, and time in an indigenous culture. Science Advances, 7 (33). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abg4141. twitter thread
Ryskin, R.*, Stearns, L.*, Bergen, L., Eddy, M., Fedorenko, E. & Gibson, E. (2021). An ERP index of real-time error correction within a noisy-channel framework of human communication. Neuropsychologia, 158, 107855. twitter thread
Wu, S. & Gibson, E. (2021). Word Order Predicts Cross-linguistic Differences in the Production of Redundant Color and Number Modifiers. Cognitive Science. twitter thread
Abeillé, A., Hemforth, B., Winckel, E., & Gibson, E. (2020). Extraction from subjects: Differences in acceptability depend on the discourse function of the construction. Cognition. DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2020.104293 twitter thread
Futrell, Levy, R.P., & Gibson, E. (2020). Dependency locality as an explanatory principle for word order. Language.
Futrell, R., Gibson, E., & Levy, R.P. (2020). Lossy-Context Surprisal: An Information-Theoretic Model of Memory Effects in Sentence Processing. Cognitive Science 44, e12814, DOI: 10.1111/cogs.12814 twitter thread
Conway, BR., Ratnasingama, S., Jara-Ettinger, J., Futrell, R. & Gibson, E. (2020). Communication efficiency of color naming across languages provides a new framework for the evolution of color terms. Cognition. twitter thread
Jouravlev, O., Schwartz, R., Ayyash, D., Mineroff, Z., Gibson, E., & Fedorenko, E. (2019). Tracking Colisteners' Knowledge States During Language Comprehension. Psychological Science, 30(1): 3-19.
Everett, D. & Gibson, E. (2019). Review of “Recursion Across Domains”. Language. twitter thread
Rubio-Fernandez, P., Mollica, F., Ali, M.O., & Gibson, E. (2019). How do you know that? Automatic belief inferences in passing conversation. Cognition.
Gibson, E., Futrell, R., Piantadosi, S.T., Dautriche, I., Mahowald, K., Bergen, L. & Levy, R. (2019). How Efficiency Shapes Human Language. Trends in Cognitive Science.
Mahowald, K., Dautriche, I., Gibson, E. & Piantadosi, S.T. (2018). Word Forms Are Structured for Efficient Use. Cognitive Science: 1-19.
Ryskin, R., Futrell, R., Kiran, S., & Gibson, E. (2018). Comprehenders model the nature of noise in the environment. Cognition 181: 141-150.
Gibson, E., Jara-Ettinger, J., Levy, R., & Piantadosi, S.T. (2018). The use of a computer display exaggerates the connection between exact and approximate number ability in remote populations. Open Mind: Discoveries in Cognitive Science.
Kline, M., Schulz, L. & Gibson, E. (2018). Partial truths: Adults choose to mention agents and patients in proportion to informativity, even if it doesn’t fully disambiguate the message. Open Mind: Discoveries in Cognitive Science.
Futrell, R., Levy, R., & Gibson, E. (2017). Generalizing dependency distance: Comment on ‘Dependency distance: A new perspective on syntactic patterns in natural languages’ by Haitao Liu et al. Physics of Life Reviews 21: 197-199.
Futrell, R., Gibson, E., Tily, H. J., Blank, I., Vishnevetsky, A., Piantadosi, S.T., & Fedorenko, E. (2017). The Natural Stories Corpus. arXiv abs/1708.05763.
- The corpus is available on Github
Gibson, E., Futrell, R., Jara-Ettinger, J., Mahowald, K., Bergen, L., Ratnasingam, S., Gibson, M., Piantadosi, S.T., & Conway, B.R. (2017). Color naming across languages reflects color use. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” 114(40): 10785-10790.
Rubio-Fernandez, P., Jara-Ettinger, J. & Gibson, E. (2017). Can processing demands explain toddlers’ performance in false-belief tasks?. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Letter to Editor.. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1701286114.
- A letter in response to Setoh et al. (2016). The authors respond in Scott et al. (2017)
Gibson, E., Piantadosi, S.T. & Levy, R. (2017). Post-hoc analysis decisions drive the reported reading time effects in Hackl, Koster-Hale & Varvoutis (2012). Journal of Semantics: 1-8. doi: 10.1093/jos/ffx001.
Gibson, E., Tan, C., Futrell, R., Mahowald, K., Konieczny, L., Hemforth, B. & Fedorenko, E. (2017). Don’t underestimate the benefits of being misunderstood. Psychological Science: 1-10. doi: 10.1177/0956797617690277.
Dautriche, I., Mahowald, K., Gibson, E., Christophe, A. & Piantadosi, S. T. (2017). Words cluster phonetically beyond phonotactic regularities. Cognition 163: 128-145. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2017.02.001.
Jouravlev, O., Stearns, L., Bergen, L., Eddy, M., Gibson, E. & Fedorenko, E. (2016). Processing Temporal Presuppositions: an ERP study. Language, Cognition & Neuroscience 31(10): 1245-1256. doi: 10.1080/23273798.2016.1209531.
Jara-Ettinger, J., Piantadosi, S.T., Spelke, E., Levy, R., & Gibson, E. (2016). Mastery of the logic of natural numbers is not the result of mastery of counting: Evidence from late counters. Developmental Science: 1-11.
Shain, C., van Schijndel, M., Futrell, R., Gibson, E., & Schuler, W. (2016). Memory access during incremental sentence processing causes reading time latency. Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Linguistic Complexity: 49-58. Osaka, Japan.
Dautriche, I., Mahowald, K., Gibson, E., & Piantadosi, S. T. (2016). Wordform Similarity Increases With Semantic Similarity: An Analysis of 100 Languages. Cognitive Science: 1-21. doi: 10.1111/cogs.12453.
Futrell, R., & Gibson, E. (2016). L2 processing as noisy channel language comprehension. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. doi: 10.1017/S1366728916001061.
- This is a response to Cunnings (2016)
Mahowald, K., Graff, P., Hartman, J., & Gibson, E. (2016). SNAP judgments: A small N acceptability paradigm (SNAP) for linguistic acceptability judgments. Language 93(3): 619-635. doi: 10.1353/lan.2016.0052.
Mahowald, K., James, A., Futrell, R., & Gibson, E. (2016). A meta-analysis of syntactic priming in language production. Journal of Memory and Language. doi: 10.1016/j.jml.2016.03.009.
Futrell, R., Stearns, L., Everett, D. L., Piantadosi, S. T., & Gibson, E. (2016). A corpus investigation of syntactic embedding in Pirahã. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0145289.
- The corpus can be found on Github.
Gibson, E., Sandberg, C., Fedorenko, E., Bergen, L., & Kiran, S. (2015). A rational inference approach to aphasic language comprehension. Aphasiology. doi: 10.1080/02687038.2015.1111994.
Jara‐Ettinger, J., Gibson, E., Kidd, C., & Piantadosi, S.T. (2015). Native Amazonian children forego egalitarianism in merit‐based tasks when they learn to count. Developmental Science. doi: 10.1111/desc.12351.
Singh, R., Fedorenko, E., Mahowald, K. & Gibson, E. (2015). Accommodating presuppositions is inappropriate in implausible contexts. Cognitive Science. doi: 10.1111/cogs.12260.
Futrell, R., Mahowald, K., & Gibson, E. (2015). Large-scale evidence of dependency length minimization in 37 languages. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(33): 10336-10341. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1502134112.
Futrell, R., Mahowald, K., & Gibson, E. (2015). Quantifying word order freedom in dependency corpora. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Dependency Linguistics: 91–100. Uppsala, Sweden.
Futrell, R., Hickey, T., Lee, A., Lim, E., Luchkina, E., & Gibson, E. (2015). Cross-linguistic gestures reflect typological universals: A subject-initial, verb-final bias in speakers of diverse languages. Cognition 136: 215-221.
Grosz, P. G., Patel-Grosz, P., Fedorenko, E., & Gibson, E. (2015). Constraints on donkey pronouns.. Journal of Semantics 32(4), 619-648.
Gibson, E., Jacobson, P., Graff, P., Mahowald, K., Fedorenko, E. & Piantadosi, S.T. (2014). A pragmatic account of complexity in definite Antecedent-Contained-Deletion relative clauses. Journal of Semantics. doi: 10.1093/jos/ffu006.
Piantadosi, S. T. and Gibson, E. (2014). Quantitative Standards for Absolute Linguistic Universals. Cognitive Science 38(4): 736-756. doi: 10.1111/cogs.12088.
S.T. Piantadosi, J. Jara-Ettinger, and E. Gibson (2014). Children’s development of number in an indigenous farming-foraging group. Developmental Science 17(4): 553-563. doi: 10.1111/desc.12078.
Yoon, J.M.D., Nathan Witthoft, Jonathan Winawer, Michael C. Frank, Daniel L. Everett, & Edward Gibson. (2014). Cultural Differences in Perceptual Reorganization in US and Pirahã Adults. PLoS ONE. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0110225.
Gibson, E., Tily, H. & Fedorenko, E. (2013). The processing complexity of English relative clauses. Language Down the Garden Path: The Cognitive and Biological Basis for Linguistic Structure. Oxford University Press.
Levy, R., Fedorenko, E. & Gibson, E. (2013). The syntactic complexity of Russian relative clauses. Journal of Memory and Language 69(4): 461-495.
Gibson, E., Bergen, L. & Piantadosi, S. (2013). The rational integration of noisy evidence and prior semantic expectations in sentence interpretation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(20): 8051-8056. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1216438110.
Gibson, E., Piantadosi, S., Brink, K., Bergen, L., Lim, E. & Saxe, R. (2013). A noisy-channel account of cross-linguistic word order variation. Psychological Science 4(7): 1079-1088. doi: 10.1177.
Perrachione, T., Fedorenko, E., Vinke, L., Gibson, E. & Dilley, L. (2013). Pitch processing is shared between language and music. PLoS ONE 8(8): e73372. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073372.
Frank, M., Tenenbaum, J. & Gibson, E. (2013). Learning and long-term retention of large-scale artificial languages. PLoS ONE 8(1): e52500. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0052500.
K. Mahowald, E. Fedorenko, S.T. Piantadosi, and E. Gibson. (2013). Info/information theory: speakers choose shorter words in predictive contexts. Cognition 126: 313-318.
K. Mahowald and E. Gibson. (2013). Short, frequent words are more likely to appear genetically related by chance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Letter to Editor. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1308822110.
Fedorenko, E., Woodbury, R. & Gibson, E. (2013). Direct evidence of memory retrieval as a source of difficulty in non-local dependencies in language. Cognitive Science. 37(2): 378-394.
Gibson, E. & Wu, I. (2013). Processing Chinese relative clauses in context. Language and Cognitive Processes, 28(1-2): 125-155.
Levy, R. & Gibson, E. (2013). Surprisal, the PDC, and the primary locus of processing difficulty in relative clauses. Frontiers in Psychology 4: 229. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00229.
Gibson, E. & Fedorenko, E. (2013). The need for quantitative methods in syntax and semantics research. Language and Cognitive Processes, 28(1-2): 88-124.
Gibson, E., Piantadosi, S. & Fedorenko, E. (2013). Quantitative methods in syntax / semantics research: A response to Sprouse & Almeida (2013). Language and Cognitive Processes. 28(3): 229-240.
- Here is the paper by Sprouse & Almeida that the paper above is in response to.
Fedorenko, E., Piantadosi, S. & Gibson, E. (2012). The interaction of syntactic and lexical information sources in language processing: The case of the noun-verb ambiguity. Journal of Cognitive Science 13(3): 249-285.
Breen, M., Dilley, L., Kraemer, J. & Gibson, E. (2012). Inter-transcriber reliability for two systems of prosodic annotation: ToBI (Tones and Break Indices) and RaP (Rhythm and Pitch). Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 8(2): 277-312.
Piantadosi, S.T., Tily, H. & Gibson, E. (2012). The communicative function of ambiguity in language. Cognition 122: 280-291.
Brown, M., Savova, V. & Gibson, E. (2012). Syntax encodes information structure: Evidence from on-line reading comprehension. Journal of Memory and Language 66: 194-209.
Frank, M.C., Fedorenko, E., Lai, P., Saxe, R. & Gibson, E. (2012). Verbal interference blocks exact numerical representation: Online lexical encoding as an account of cross-linguistic differences. Cognitive Psychology 64: 74-92.
Levy, R., Fedorenko, E., Breen, M. & Gibson, E. (2012). The processing of extraposed structures in English. Cognition 122: 12-36.
Fedorenko, E., Piantadosi, S. & Gibson, E. (2012). Processing relative clauses in supportive contexts. Cognitive Science 36(3): 471-497.
Breen, M., Watson, D. & Gibson, E. (2011). Intonational phrasing is constrained by meaning not balance. Language and Cognitive Processes, 26(10): 1532-1562.
Frank, M.C. & Gibson, E. (2011). Overcoming memory limitations in rule learning. Language Learning and Development 7(2): 130-148.
Gibson, E., Piantadosi, S. & Fedorenko, K. (2011). Using Mechanichal Turk to obtain and analyze English acceptability judgments. Language and Linguistics Compass, 5(8): 509-524.
Piantadosi, S.T., Tily, H. & Gibson, E. (2011). Word lengths are optimized for efficient communication. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(9): 3526-3529.
Piantadosi, S.T., Tily, H. & Gibson, E. (2011). Reply to Reilly and Kean: Clarifications on word length and information content. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(20): E109-E109.
Scontras, G. & Gibson, E. (2011). A quantitative investigation of the imperative-and-declarative construction in English. Language, 87(4): 817-829.
Breen, M., Fedorenko, E., Wagner, M. & Gibson, E. (2010). Acoustic correlates of information structure. Language and Cognitive Processes 25(7/8/9): 1044-1098.
Gibson, E. & Fedorenko, E. (2010). Weak quantitative standards in linguistics research. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 14(6): 233-234.
- This letter and its companion longer paper have generated some controversy.
- Here is a response from Peter Culicover and Ray Jackendoff. We respond to this letter in the longer paper.
- Here is a link to a recent paper from Jon Sprouse and Diogo Almeida.
- Here is a link to Greg Hickok and David Poeppel’s Talking Brains blog where an exchange between Ted Gibson and Ev Fedorenko on the one hand, and Jon Sprouse and Diogo Almeida, on the other hand, is posted.
Tily, H., Fedorenko, E. & Gibson, E. (2010). The time-course of lexical and structural processes in sentence comprehension. QJEP 63(5): 910-927.
Nakatani, K. & Gibson, E. (2010). An on-line study of Japanese nesting complexity. Cognitive Science, 34: 94-112.
Perfors, A., Tenenbaum, J.B., Gibson, E. & Regier, T. (2010). How recursive is language? A Bayesian exploration. Recursion and human language: 159-175. Mouton de Gruyter.
Fedorenko, E. & Gibson, E. (2010). Adding a third wh-element does not increase the acceptability of object-initial multiple-wh-questions. Syntax 13(3): 183-95.
Fedorenko, E., Patel, A., Casasanto, D., Winawer, J. & Gibson, E. (2009). Structural integration in language and music: Evidence for a shared system. Memory & Cognition 37(1): 1-9.
Frank, M., Everett, D., Fedorenko, E. & Gibson, E. (2008). Number as a cognitive technology: Evidence from Pirahã language and cognition. Cognition 108: 819-824.
- Supplementary materials for Frank et al. (2008): videos of Pirahã participants performing the matching tasks (success, failure)
Nakatani, K. & Gibson, E. (2008). Distinguishing theories of syntactic expectation cost in sentence comprehension: Evidence from Japanese. Linguistics 46(1): 63-86.
Fedorenko, E., Gibson, E. & Rohde, D. (2007). The nature of working memory in linguistic, arithmetic and spatial integration processes. Journal of Memory and Language, 56: 246-269.
Fedorenko, E., Gibson, E. & Rohde, D. (2006). The Nature of Working Memory Capacity in Sentence Comprehension: Evidence Against Domain-Specific Working Memory Resources. Journal of Memory and Language, 54: 541-553.
Gibson, E. (2006). The interaction of top-down and bottom-up statistics in the resolution of syntactic category ambiguity. Journal of Memory and Language, 54: 363-388.
Watson, D., Breen, M. & Gibson, E. (2006). The role of syntactic obligatoriness in the production of intonational boundaries. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition 32(5): 1045-1056.
Chen, E., Gibson, E. & Wolf. F. (2005). Online syntactic storage costs in sentence comprehension. Journal of Memory and Language, 52: 144-169.
Gibson, E., Desmet, T., Grodner, D., Watson, D. & Ko, K. (2005). Reading relative clauses in English. Cognitive Linguistics, 16(2): 313-354.
Grodner, D. & Gibson, E. (2005). Consequences of the serial nature of linguistic input. Cognitive Science 29: 261-291.
Grodner, D., Gibson, E. & Watson, D. (2005). The influence of contextual contrast on syntactic processing: Evidence for strong-interaction in sentence comprehension. Cognition, 95: 275-296.
Warren, T. & Gibson, E. (2005). Effects of NP type in reading cleft sentences in English. Language and Cognitive Processes 20(6): 751-767.
Watson, D. & Gibson, E. (2005). Intonational Phrasing and Constituency in Language Production and Comprehension. Studia Linguistica 59: 279-300.
Wolf, F., & Gibson, E. (2005). Representing discourse coherence: A corpus-based analysis. Computational Linguistics, 31(2): 249-288.
Gibson, E. & Warren, T. (2004). Reading time evidence for intermediate linguistic structure in long-distance dependencies. Syntax, 7: 55-78.
Gruber, J. & Gibson, E. (2004). Measuring linguistic complexity independent of plausibility. Language, 80(3): 583-590.
Watson, D. & Gibson, E. (2004). The relationship between intonational phrasing and syntactic structure in language production. Language and Cognitive Processes 19(6): 713-755.
Watson, D. & Gibson, E. (2004). Making Sense of the Sense Unit Condition. Linguistic Inquiry, 35: 508-517.
Wolf, F., Gibson, E. & Desmet, T. (2004). Discourse coherence and pronoun resolution. Language and Cognitive Processes, 19(6): 665-675.
Desmet, T. & Gibson, E. (2003). Disambiguation Preferences and Corpus Frequencies in Noun Phrase Conjunction. Journal of Memory and Language, 49: 353-374.
Gibson, E. (2003). Linguistic complexity in sentence comprehension. The Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science: 1137-1141. MacMillan.
Grodner, D., Gibson, E., Argaman, V. & Babyonyshev, M. (2003). Against repair-based reanalysis in sentence comprehension. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 32: 141-166.
Hsiao, F. & Gibson, E. (2003). Processing relative clauses in Chinese. Cognition 90: 3-27.
Wolf, F. & Gibson, E. (2003). Parsing: Overview. The Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science MacMillan: 465-476.
Grodner, D., Gibson, E. & Tunstall, S. (2002). Syntactic complexity in ambiguity resolution. Journal of Memory and Language, 46: 267-295.
Roberts, R. & Gibson, E. (2002). Individual differences in sentence memory. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 31(6): 573-598.
Warren, T. & Gibson, E. (2002). The influence of referential processing on sentence complexity. Cognition 85: 79-112.
Pearlmutter, N.J. & Gibson, E. (2001). Recency in verb phrase attachment. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 27(2): 574-590.
Gibson, E. (2000). The dependency locality theory: A distance-based theory of linguistic complexity. Image, Language, Brain: 95-126. MIT Press.
Gibson, E. & Pearlmutter, N.J. (2000). Distinguishing serial and parallel parsing. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 29(2): 231-240.
Kaan, E., Harris, A., Gibson, E. & Holcomb, P. (2000). The P600 as an index of syntactic integration difficulty. Language and Cognitive Processes 15(2): 159-201.
Babyonyshev, M. & Gibson E. (1999). The complexity of nested structures in Japanese. Language 75(3): 423-450.
Gibson, E., Pearlmutter, N. & Torrens, V. (1999). Recency and lexical preferences in Spanish. Memory and Cognition 27(4): 603-611.
Gibson, E. & Schütze, C. (1999). Disambiguation preferences in noun phrase conjunction do not mirror corpus frequency. Journal of Memory and Language 40: 263-279.
Gibson, E. & Thomas, J. (1999). Memory limitations and structural forgetting: The perception of complex ungrammatical sentences as grammatical. Language and Cognitive Processes 14(3): 225-248.
Miyamoto, E.T., Gibson, E., Pearlmutter, N.J., Aikawa, T., & Miyagawa, S. (1999). A U-shaped relative clause attachment preference in Japanese. Language and Cognitive Processes 14(5/6): 663-688.
Schütze, C. & Gibson, E. (1999). Argumenthood and English Prepositional phrase attachment. Journal of Memory and Language 40: 409-431.
Gibson, E. (1998). Linguistic complexity: Locality of syntactic dependencies. Cognition 68: 1-76.
Gibson, E. & Broihier, K. (1998). Optimality Theory and human sentence processing. Is the best good enough?: 157-192. MIT Press.
Gibson, E. & Pearlmutter, N.J. (1998). Constraints on sentence comprehension. Trends in Cognitive Science 2: 262-268.
Patel, A.D., Gibson, E., Ratner, J., Besson, M. & Holcomb, P. (1998). Processing grammatical relations in language and music: An event-related potential study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 10(6): 717-733.
Gibson, E. & Thomas, J. (1997). The complexity of nested structures in English: Evidence for the syntactic prediction locality theory of linguistic complexity. Unpublished Manuscript..
Phillips, C. & Gibson, E. (1997). The strength of the local attachment preference. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 26(2): 323-346.
Gibson, E., Pearlmutter, N., Canseco-Gonzales, E. & Hickok, G. (1996). Recency Preference in the Human Sentence Processing Mechanism. Cognition, 59: 23-59.
Gibson, E., Schütze, C., & Salomon, A. (1996). The relationship between the frequency and the complexity of linguistic structure. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 25(1): 59-92.
Gibson, E., Hickok, G. & Schütze, C. (1994). Processing empty categories: A parallel approach. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 23(5): 381-406.
Gibson, E. & Pearlmutter, N. (1994). A corpus-based analysis of psycholinguistic constraints on PP attachment. Perspectives in sentence processing (Lawrence Erlbaum): 181-198.
Gibson, E. & Wexler, K. (1994). Triggers. Linguistic Inquiry 25(3): 407-454.
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